Use the register/login button at the top:
If at any time after registering or logging in you need to get back to your account information to add or edit your children’s information the ‘My Account’ link will be available in the upper right
Step 1. Create a new account or login to an existing account.
Account Creation Screen
Step 2. Make sure to fill out all the primary and secondary contact information. This information will be vitally important during the season to make sure the coaches and staff can get a hold of you as needed.
Step 3. Fill out all of your children’s information as participants. Please take the time to answer all of the questions in the form as we will be using this information when forming teams.
Step 4. Once you have your child’s information correctly entered you will be presented with the Divisions that your child is eligible for.
Step 5. After creating all of your participants and enrolling them in the appropriate Divisions, you will be able to checkout. Any applicable
discounts, payment plans, additional fees, will be displayed on the payment screen at checkout.
Step 6. Once your order is processed and payment is confirmed you will receive an email confirmation.
IMPORTANT: After you complete the online registration you MUST Go to an In-Person Registration to fill out required paperwork and turn in documents
Once you have COMPLETED ONLINE AND IN-PERSON Registration we'll give your name to a coach - you should hear from them by June
Thanks for choosing Los Alamitos Pop Warner!