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Q. When does the season begin?

 The season starts August 1st which is also the first day of practice.

Q. When will our head coach contact us?

 Your head coach will contact you sometime in June when rosters are released. 

Q. How long does the season last?

4 ½ months (includes August—preparation month).The season opens on the first of August to begin conditioning the participants. The first game of the season is typically the third or fourth Saturday in August (yes, there are games on Labor Day Weekend) and continues into November. And December is team advances to national play

Q. How many days/hours do the players practice?

4 or 5 days a week during August (10 hours per week maximum). After the Labor Day holiday, it goes down to 3 days a week (6 hours per week maximum). The first 10 hours of practice are conditioning only. Upon completion of 10 hours of conditioning, the participants may begin player to player full contact. Each child is tracked individually to ensure that they have met 10 hours before they progress to the next level. Scrimmages are considered a practice and may be held on either a weeknight or Saturday.

Q. Does my Flag participant practice as often as the older teams do?

Typically not. The coach can choose to schedule practice times based on the needs of the team, being sure that the maximums are never exceeded.

Q. Where are practices held?

Practices are held at multiple locations. Los Alamitos High School and Oak Middle School.

Q. What if we already have a vacation scheduled for August?

Please discuss this with your head coach as soon as possible. Regular attendance is crucial during August due to the fundamental instruction and mandatory conditioning that takes place during the first 10 hours of practice. Missing practice time during the critical time can potentially hinder your child's preparation, along with the team at large.

Q. Will my child automatically be placed on his or her team with their coach and teammates from the previous year?

Los Al Pop Warner will make every attempt to have teammates and coaches stay with each other. We feel that it is in the players' best interest to progress up the levels as a cohesive unit, however, we recognize that from time to time, there will be a circumstances that may prevent that from occurring.

Q. What if I want my child to move up a level even though he could 'stay down'?

OEC by-laws do state that each participant play at the lowest level possible. Los Al Pop Warner strongly feels that it is inthe child's best interest to play at the lowest level possible, based on his/her age. This can become a safety issue. Please discuss your reasons for wanting to place your son at a higher level with our Athletic Director or President and we will come to a collective decision.

Q. How many games will be played?

8 for flag, 9 for Tiny Mite and 10 for all other levels. Additional games will be played if the team makes playoffs (8u level and above).

Q. When and where are games played?

All games are on Saturdays. Home games are played at Los Alamitos High School. Away games will vary by location-- our conference covers all of Orange County and a few cities located in Los Angeles County (ie Long Beach, Lakewood, Bellflower, Norwalk and Montebello) so there is travel involved each week. Most teams are required to arrive to their game site at least 1 hour prior to kick off.

Q. Who does the scheduling of the games?

The Orange Empire Conference.

Q. Why must I furnish a copy of my child's report cards?

It is a National Pop Warner rule that each participant age 7 and up provides proof of scholastic fitness to be rostered. It also qualifies those eligible to participatein local and national award ceremonies. Report cards are collected before the season begins. Be sure to save all current school year report cards. If your child does not meet the minimum grades required by National Pop Warner, they will be allowed to submit an Academic Waiver, which will allow them to participate through the end of September. By October 1st, all participants under an academic waiver must furnish a progress report from their school. OEC will review those progress reports and determine if the participant will be allowed to continue the season or not.

Q. Is a baptismal or hospital birth certificate sufficient to prove my child's age?

No. The only acceptable proof of age is a certified county birth certificate or a passport.

Q. Why must my child have a physical & release form?

Pop Warner rules mandate that each participant is physically cleared to participate in our program. Los Al Pop Warner will occasionally offer low cost physicals (typically offered at 'in person' registrations in the Spring and possibly again in or July). If you are unable to make that date, you can take our Pop Warner form to your physician for completion. Please be sure to discuss any medical issues (ie asthma, allergy to bee stings, etc) with your head coach prior to the season starting.

Q. What is Certification?

Certification of all participants takes place in August. Each team has a book that houses all player information (contract, proof of age, picture, medical release, etc) in individual sleeves. The book is checked, approved and stamped by a Conference Commissioner. The Conference Commissioner will also conduct an official weigh in where each player must weigh in at a weight within the limits for the division that he/she is participating in. The last piece of certification is scholastic fitness (report cards). All participants must be scholastically eligible to participate.

Q. What equipment must I supply?

You must supply acceptable football cleats, athletic supporter (hard or soft cup), integrated football pants or girdle, chin strap and protective mouthpiece.

Q. What does my registration fee cover?

Our league is assessed fees by our Conference to cover expenses such as insurance, national charter fees, referee fees, etc. There are also equipment refurbishing and replacement costs, field usage fees and general operating expenses that the registration fees cover. All participants receive two game day jerseys, a picture package and end of season trophy, the costs of which are also covered by the registration fee.

Q. What happens if my child misses practice?

If a child misses one or more practices during the week, they may have limited or no play time in that week's game. This is a safety issue not only for your child but for the rest of the team. However, each head coach sets their own policy on absences.

Q. Is it mandatory to fundraise?

The league wide fundraiser IS mandatory for all participants, as it is part of the registration process. If the fundraiser minimum is not fulfilled, the participant will not be allowed to practice until the requirement is met.


Los Alamitos Pop Warner Football and Cheer
Los Alamitos, California 90720

Email: [email protected]

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